Piercing After Care
General Piercing Aftercare
- First, wash your hands with soap and water and dry with clean paper towel.
- Spray your new piercing with H20ceanSpray twice a day. Slide the jewelry back and forth. Do not twist.
- You may shower daily, use soap and rinse thoroughly.
- During healing one might experience some bleeding, localized swelling, tenderness, bruising, discoloration, itching, and secretion of a whitish-yellow fluid (not pus) that will form some crust around the jewelry as the piercing heals.
- A piercing heals from the outside inward and thus may appear healed before healing is complete
- Be patient!
- Maintain clean, comfortable bedding and clothing.
- Check the ends of your piercing to make sure they are tight daily.
- Before changing jewelry, see your piercer for a checkup.
- Never use Rubbing Alcohol / with hazel (Purell or other hand sanitizers that are also alcohol based sanitizers should be avoided) Hydrogen Peroxide, Iodine (Betadine), Bactine, or Hibiclense as these products may damage healing tissue.
- Also, stay away from petroleum jelly based antibiotic ointments (Neosporin, Bacitracin, or Triple Antibiotic Ointment.) These products clog the piercing and delay healing.
- Do not pick at the crusted matter at the piercing site, this is dried lymph fluid secreted by your body to cleanse the piercing. The crusting should come off during your routine soaking & cleansing period only.)
If one suspects, in any way, that the piercing might be infected, immediately contact your piercer.
Oral Piercing Aftercare
- Make sure your hands are clean prior to touching piercing.
- Check the balls on the jewelry daily to make sure they are on tight.
- Soak and rinse your piercing every time you eat drink or smoke.
- We recommend the H2Ocean Mouthwash or any alcohol-free, antiseptic mouth wash.
- During the first week of healing, you may experience swelling, tenderness, slight bleeding and/or bruising. You can reduce the pain and swelling using ice chips and any over the counter anti-inflammatory such as Aleve.
- Do not play with or remove your piercing before the healing process is complete.
- We recommend not eating spicy, salty or extremely hot foods during the first week. But eat what feels comfortable to you.
- Leave healing piercings alone! The only time you should handle a piercing is when you are cleaning it.
- Never use Rubbing Alcohol / with hazel (Purell or other hand sanitizers that are also alcohol based sanitizers should be avoided) Hydrogen Peroxide, Iodine (Betadine), Bactine, or Hibiclense as these products may damage healing tissue.
- Also, stay away from petroleum jelly based antibiotic ointments (Neosporin, Bacitracin, or Triple Antibiotic Ointment.) These products clog the piercing and delay healing.
- Do not pick at the crusted matter at the piercing site, this is dried lymph fluid secreted by your body to cleanse the piercing. The crusting should come off during your routine soaking & cleansing period only.)
If one suspects, in any way, that the piercing might be infected, immediately contact your piercer.